After the chilling story, Ichabod sets out for home through the woods.

What is the participle or participle phrase and what does it modify?

Most participles end in either -ed or -ing. Which is the participle in this sentence?

Is it just chilling or the phrase after the chilling story?

Chilling is the participle, modifying the noun story.

The participle phrase in the sentence is "through the woods."

To understand what the participle phrase modifies, we need to look at the context of the sentence. In this case, the sentence states that Ichabod sets out for home, indicating that he is leaving the current location to go towards his house. The participle phrase "through the woods" provides additional information about the manner in which Ichabod is going home. It tells us that he is traveling through the woods as he makes his way back. Therefore, the participle phrase "through the woods" modifies the verb "sets out," specifically describing the path or route that Ichabod is taking.