I am trying this again.

Incomplete french say that the people do not the activities given. Here is what I did please check for me Thanks much
1 Julie/voyager
Julie ne voyager pas
2. elles/etudier
Elles ne pas etudier
3. il/habiter a Paris
Il ne pas habiter a Paris
4. nous/diner au restaurant
Nous ne pas diner au restaurant.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum again. Didn't you see my answer the other day on these? Please look back. To make a verb negative the word order is: subject + ne (n') + conjugated verb to agree with the subject + pas.
1. Julie ne voyage pas.
2. Eles n'étudient pas
3. Il n'habite pas à Paris.
4. Nous ne dînons pas au restaurant.

Now, please compare these correct sentences CAREFULLY with what you wrote and you will see where you went wrong.

It seems you made a few mistakes in constructing the negative sentences in French. Let's go through each sentence to correct them:

1. Julie/voyager
The correct sentence is: Julie ne voyage pas.
Explanation: In this sentence, you need to use the negative form of the verb "voyager," which is "ne voyage pas." Also, you forgot to include the subject "ne" before the verb.

2. elles/etudier
The correct sentence is: Elles n'étudient pas.
Explanation: Here, you correctly used the subject "Elles" but forgot to include the negation "ne" before the verb. The correct negative form is "n'étudient pas."

3. il/habiter a Paris
The correct sentence is: Il n'habite pas à Paris.
Explanation: Similarly to the previous sentences, you missed adding the negation "ne" before the verb. The correct negative form is "n'habite pas."

4. nous/diner au restaurant
The correct sentence is: Nous ne dînons pas au restaurant.
Explanation: Once again, you forgot to include the negation "ne" before the verb. The correct negative form is "ne dînons pas."

By comparing your initial sentences with the correct ones, you can see where you went wrong and how to construct proper negative sentences in French.