Are these right?

My aunt discovered a skunk under her porch and called the Humane Society for help in removing it. *simple sentence
Some committee members preferred either a musical comedy or a mystery. *simple sentence

Yes, both are simple sentences.

ok thank you

You're welcome.

Yes, both of these sentences are grammatically correct and considered simple sentences.

A simple sentence consists of just one independent clause, which means it can stand alone as a complete sentence. It includes a subject, a verb, and expresses a complete thought.

In the first sentence: "My aunt discovered a skunk under her porch and called the Humane Society for help in removing it," it meets the criteria of a simple sentence because it has one independent clause ("My aunt discovered a skunk under her porch and called the Humane Society for help in removing it") that expresses a complete thought. It includes the subject "my aunt," the verb "discovered" and "called," and it expresses the complete thought of the aunt finding a skunk and reaching out for help.

The second sentence, "Some committee members preferred either a musical comedy or a mystery," also meets the criteria of a simple sentence. It contains one independent clause ("Some committee members preferred either a musical comedy or a mystery") that expresses a complete thought. It consists of the subject "some committee members," the verb "preferred," and the option between a musical comedy or a mystery.