A pound of coffee beans yields 56 cups of coffee (4 cups= 1 qt.) how many milliliters of coffee can be derived from 2.2g of coffee beans?

To find the number of milliliters of coffee that can be derived from 2.2g of coffee beans, we need to know the conversion factor between grams and cups, as well as the conversion factor between cups and milliliters.

Let's start by finding the conversion factor between grams and cups. We know that 1 pound of coffee beans yields 56 cups of coffee, so we need to convert pounds to grams.

Since 1 pound is approximately equal to 453.6 grams, we can write the conversion factor as:
1 pound = 453.6 grams

Next, let's find the conversion factor between cups and milliliters. We are given that 4 cups is equal to 1 quart. Since 1 quart is equal to 946.35 milliliters, we can write the conversion factor as:
4 cups = 946.35 milliliters

Now, let's use these conversion factors to determine the number of milliliters of coffee that can be derived from 2.2g of coffee beans.

First, we convert grams to cups using the conversion factor:
2.2 grams * (1 pound / 453.6 grams) = 0.004849 pounds

Next, we convert cups to milliliters using the conversion factor:
0.004849 pounds * (56 cups / 1 pound) * (946.35 milliliters / 4 cups) = 26.01 milliliters

Therefore, 2.2g of coffee beans can yield approximately 26.01 milliliters of coffee.