how would you describe some who is crazy to jump from outer space to earth

very well trained

I'd describe him as crazy as someone who makes up ridiculous questions.

I'd wave goodbye and start planning his funeral.

To describe someone who jumps from outer space to Earth as crazy, it's important to understand the context and the extreme nature of such an action. Jumping from outer space refers to the act of freefalling from the edge of the Earth's atmosphere, usually several miles above the surface, and then parachuting to the ground. This is an incredibly dangerous and daring feat, making it reasonable to label it as a behavior that many would consider "crazy."

To further explain how someone could attempt such an endeavor, we need to look into the well-known example of Felix Baumgartner, an Austrian skydiver and BASE jumper. In October 2012, Baumgartner completed a record-breaking jump known as the Red Bull Stratos mission. He ascended to an altitude of approximately 39 kilometers (24 miles) using a helium balloon, then jumped, reaching speeds of over 1,342 kilometers per hour (834 miles per hour) during his descent.

Before undertaking such a venture, extreme conditions and challenges need to be considered. Some aspects that contribute to the difficulty and potential risk include:
1. The lack of oxygen and low pressure at high altitudes.
2. The potential for extreme temperature variations, ranging from extreme cold to intense heat due to friction during re-entry.
3. The sheer distance and time it takes to reach the outer space region.
4. The need for specialized equipment, including a pressure suit, oxygen supply, and specialized parachute systems.

Additionally, mentally, someone attempting such a jump would require an extraordinary level of courage, determination, and a high tolerance for risk. They would need to undergo extensive training, both physically and mentally, to handle the pressures and challenges associated with the jump.

In summary, describing someone who chooses to jump from outer space to Earth as "crazy" reflects the daring and extreme nature of their action. It involves navigating through the technical difficulties and requires significant physical and mental preparation.