mary and peter have 480 coins after party spending 20 coins . he has 3 times as much coins as many did mary have

hj? That is your school subject? This looks like math to me.

mary + 3 mary = 480

4 mary = 480
mary = 120

To determine how many coins Mary had before the party, we can follow these steps:

1. Let's assume the number of coins Mary had before the party as 'x' (unknown).

2. We are given that Peter has three times as many coins as Mary. Therefore, Peter would have 3x coins.

3. After the party, Mary and Peter together have 480 coins, so their combined total is the sum of their individual amounts:

x (Mary's coins) + 3x (Peter's coins) = 480

Simplifying the equation: 4x = 480

4. To isolate 'x', divide both sides of the equation by 4:

(4x)/4 = 480/4

x = 120

Therefore, Mary had 120 coins before the party.