what new ideas came from the automobile?

plz help plz plz plz ASAP

Henry Ford at his Ford manufacturing plant was responsible for some pretty interesting concepts in economics and manufacturing technology. Google Henry Ford maybe.


What do you mean by "new ideas"? Ideas that apply to other things/products? Or ideas that were changed by use of the automobile?

Damon's suggestion of Ford's innovations is an excellent one. It' the only thing I can think of except that the auto made it easier for rural people to drive to a town or a bigger town farther away for shopping, which changed retailing.

Thank you guys so so so much idk what I would do without you guys thanks!=)

Certainly! The automobile, also known as the car, has brought about numerous new ideas and innovations. Here are a few significant ones:

1. Mass Production: One of the most influential ideas from the automobile industry was the concept of mass production. Henry Ford revolutionized the manufacturing process by implementing assembly lines, allowing for the production of cars on a larger scale and at a lower cost.

2. Infrastructure Development: The advent of automobiles led to the need for better road networks, including the construction of highways and the implementation of traffic regulations. This transformation in infrastructure offered easier commuting, facilitated urbanization, and promoted economic growth.

3. Petroleum Industry: The rise of the automobile greatly impacted the petroleum industry. Cars became reliant on gasoline as their main fuel source, leading to the development and expansion of petroleum extraction, refining, and distribution.

4. Economic Transformations: The automobile industry spawned various economic sectors such as manufacturing, automotive repair, insurance, and retail. It stimulated employment opportunities, created new businesses, and contributed to economic growth.

To find more specific and detailed ideas that came from the automobile, you can explore books, articles, or academic journals related to the history, impact, and innovations within the automotive industry. Online databases like Google Scholar or library databases can be useful tools in searching for scholarly articles on this topic. Additionally, you could visit websites dedicated to automotive history or innovation for more information.