How do you figure out a percentage with a fraction of a number. For example

66 2/3 of ________ = 74?

change the percentage to a decimal or fraction. Lets do fraction: 66 percent is 2/3

2/3 * Number = 74
multiply both sides by 3/2

Number = 3/2 * 74

To figure out the missing number, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a fraction or decimal. In this case, 66 2/3 percent can be represented as 2/3 in fraction form.

Step 2: Set up an equation with the given information. In this case, you have 2/3 multiplied by the missing number equals 74.

Step 3: Multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of the fraction (in this case, 3/2) to isolate the missing number.

Step 4: Simplify the equation. In this case, multiplying 2/3 by 3/2 cancels out the 2 and the 3, leaving you with 1. So the equation becomes 1 times the missing number equals 3/2 times 74.

Step 5: Solve for the missing number. Multiply 3/2 by 74 to get the final answer.