What is the largest prime number less than 50 and how do you know?


The largest prime number less than 50 is 47. To find this prime number, we can start by listing all the numbers from 2 to 50. Next, we can apply the process of elimination to determine which numbers are prime.

We know that a prime number is a number greater than 1 that is only divisible by 1 and itself. So, we can start by checking if number 2 is a prime. Since it is only divisible by 1 and 2, it is indeed a prime number.

Next, we move to number 3. We check if it is divisible by any number between 2 and its square root (which is approximately 1.7). Since 3 is not divisible by any whole number between 2 and 1.7, it is a prime number.

We continue this process for the remaining numbers up to 50. When we reach number 47, we find that it is not divisible by any whole number between 2 and its square root (which is approximately 6.9). Thus, 47 is a prime number.

Therefore, the largest prime number less than 50 is 47.

47 i know because i just went in order