Converting map scale to unit rate. How many inches are in a mile?

3/10 in = 7/8 ft
(3*8) / (10*7) in = 1 ft
24 / 70 in = 1 ft
0.3428 in = 1 ft

divide both sides by 0.3428

1 in = 2.917 ft
63,360 in are in a mile.

Am i right?

Yes, you're right.

What do the * in between the 3 and the 8 and the 7 and the 10 mean?

Jake, it means multiply.

Yes, you are correct! To convert map scale to unit rate, you need to compare the distance on the map to the corresponding distance in real life. In this case, you start with the information that 3/10 inch on the map represents 7/8 feet in real life.

To convert the scale to a unit rate, you can set up a proportion:

(3/10 inch) / (7/8 foot) = (x inches) / (1 foot)

To solve for x, you can cross-multiply:

(3/10)(1 foot) = (7/8)(x inches)

3/10 foot = 7/8x inches

To isolate x, you can multiply both sides by the reciprocal of 7/8:

(3/10)(8/7) foot = x inches

(24/70) foot = x inches

Simplifying the fraction, we get:

24/70 foot = x inches

To convert this unit rate to inches per foot, we divide both sides by 24/70:

1 inch = (70/24) foot

Simplifying this fraction, we get:

1 inch = 2.917 foot

Thus, there are approximately 2.917 feet in each inch. To find out how many inches are in a mile, we multiply this conversion factor by the number of feet in a mile. Since there are 5,280 feet in a mile, we can calculate:

2.917 foot/inch * 5280 feet/mile = 15,360 inch/mile

Therefore, there are approximately 63,360 inches in a mile.