I'm confused on these questions. Can someone explain to me how to solve them?





When solving inequations, follow the same steps as you would for ordinary equations,

EXCEPT, if you multiply or divide by a negative, you must reverse the inequality sign.

2(x - 5) > 4(x + 7)
2x - 10 > 4x + 28, the same as you would for equation
2x - 4x > 28 + 10 , the same as equation
-2x > 28, the same as equation
x < -14 , notice I divided by -2, thus > became <

so yours,
p + 12 > 9
p > 9-12
P > -3

do the 2nd the same way

Thank you, Reiny!

My answer for number 2 is m<13. Is that correct?

Sure! I can help you out with these questions.

1. The expression given is p + 12 > 9. To solve this inequality, we need to isolate the variable "p" on one side of the inequality sign.

Subtract 12 from both sides of the inequality:

p + 12 - 12 > 9 - 12
p > -3

So, the answer is D. p > -3.

To solve it, you need to subtract 12 from both sides of the inequality.

2. The expression given is m - 7 < 6. Similarly, we need to isolate the variable "m" on one side of the inequality sign.

Add 7 to both sides of the inequality:

m - 7 + 7 < 6 + 7
m < 13

So, the answer is C. m < 13.

To solve it, you need to add 7 to both sides of the inequality.

Remember, when solving inequalities, always perform the same operation on both sides of the inequality sign to keep the equation balanced.