How can an economy achieve points that are outside the production possibilities curve?

The production possibilities curve (PPC) represents the maximum combination of goods and services that an economy can produce efficiently given its available resources and technology. Points that lie outside the PPC are considered unattainable or beyond the current production capacity of the economy. However, there are a few ways that an economy may eventually achieve points outside the PPC:

1. Technological Advancements: Technological progress can expand an economy's production capacity and shift the PPC outward. Through innovation, new methods, techniques, or machinery can be developed to produce goods and services more efficiently, allowing the economy to achieve higher production levels.

2. Increased Productivity: Improving the productivity of labor or other factors of production can also lead to points beyond the PPC. By enhancing the skills of workers, providing better education and training, or adopting more efficient production methods, an economy can produce more output given the same amount of resources.

3. Resource Allocation: Efficient allocation and utilization of resources can help an economy reach points outside the PPC. If resources are effectively managed and utilized, wastage can be minimized, leading to increased production levels.

4. Trade and Specialization: Engaging in international trade can enable an economy to access goods and services beyond its domestic production capabilities. By specializing in the production of certain goods or services in which it has a comparative advantage, an economy can trade for other goods and services that lie outside its PPC.

However, it is important to note that achieving points outside the PPC may not always be sustainable or feasible in the immediate term. It requires significant investments in research and development, infrastructure, education, and the overall development of the economy. Additionally, external factors like political stability, access to resources, and global market conditions also play a crucial role in realizing points beyond the PPC.