A small ferris wheel, a student is riding a 20-m-diameter ferris wheel that is making 3 revolutions per minute. What is the area of the sector between 3 of the seats (3/8) of the wheel?

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To find the area of the sector between 3 seats (3/8 of the wheel), we need to know the total area of the ferris wheel.

The area of a sector can be found using the formula:

Area of sector = (θ/360) * π * r^2

where θ is the central angle of the sector in degrees, π is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159, and r is the radius of the ferris wheel.

Given that the diameter of the ferris wheel is 20 meters, the radius (r) would be half of the diameter, which is 10 meters.

Now, we need to find the central angle (θ) for the sector that represents 3/8 of the circle.

A full revolution of the ferris wheel covers 360 degrees. Since the ferris wheel is making 3 complete revolutions per minute, we can calculate the angle for each revolution using the following formula:

Angle for each revolution = 360 degrees / Number of revolutions

Angle for each revolution = 360 degrees / 3 revolutions = 120 degrees

To find the central angle for 3/8 of the wheel, we can multiply the angle for each revolution by 3/8:

Central angle for the sector = (120 degrees) * (3/8) = 45 degrees

Now we have all the information we need to find the area of the sector:

Area of sector = (45/360) * π * (10^2) = (1/8) * π * 100 = 12.5π square meters

Therefore, the area of the sector between 3 seats (3/8 of the wheel) is 12.5π square meters.