How fast (in rpm) must a centrifuge rotate if a particle 6.0 cm from the axis of rotation is to experience an acceleration of 130000 g's

Ac = v^2/r = r omega^2

omega = sqrt (130,000/.06) radians/s

to get rpm from radians/sec

rev/min = omega in rad/s *(1 rev/2 pi rad)(60 s/min)

To determine the required rotational speed of the centrifuge, we can use the following equation:

R = (g * a) / (ω²)

R is the distance of the particle from the axis of rotation (in meters),
g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximated as 9.8 m/s²),
a is the desired acceleration of the particle (in meters per second squared),
and ω is the angular velocity of the centrifuge (in radians per second).

First, let's convert the distance of the particle from the axis of rotation from centimeters to meters:

R = 6.0 cm = 0.06 m

Next, convert the desired acceleration in terms of "g's" to meters per second squared:

130,000 g's = 130,000 * 9.8 m/s²

Now, substituting these values in the equation and solving for ω:

0.06 = (9.8 * 130,000 * 9.8) / (ω²)

Rearrange the equation to solve for ω:

ω² = (9.8 * 130,000 * 9.8) / 0.06

Take the square root of both sides to isolate ω:

ω = √((9.8 * 130,000 * 9.8) / 0.06)

Calculating this equation will give us the angular velocity in radians per second. To convert this to rpm (revolutions per minute), use the formula:

rpm = (ω * 60) / (2π)

Substitute the calculated value of ω into the formula to find the rpm:

rpm = (√((9.8 * 130,000 * 9.8) / 0.06) * 60) / (2π)

This will give you the required rotational speed (in rpm) for the centrifuge to generate an acceleration of 130,000 g's at a distance of 6.0 cm from the axis of rotation.