You are given two dice to roll. One is black with six sides; the other is white with four sides.

For a given roll, what is the probability that the values of the dice add to 99?


The sum of the values on two dice can never be 99, since the maximum sum that can be obtained is 6 + 4 = 10. Therefore, the probability of the sum being 99 is 0.

To find the probability that the values of the dice add to 99, we first need to determine the total number of possible outcomes.

The black die has 6 sides numbered from 1 to 6, and the white die has 4 sides numbered from 1 to 4. To calculate the total number of outcomes, we multiply the number of sides on each die together: 6 sides on the black die multiplied by 4 sides on the white die, which gives us 24 possible outcomes.

However, since we are looking for the sum of the values to be 99, and the maximum value we can get from a single die is 6 (for the black die) and 4 (for the white die), it is impossible for the two dice to add up to 99.

Therefore, the probability of rolling a sum of 99 is 0, as there are no possible outcomes that meet this condition.