I have 3 questions with my answers and would like you to check them. If they're wrong, then please provide and explanation to how to do them. Thank you tutors.

Write each sentence as an equation.
1. Eight less than 1/3 a number n is -13.
My answer: 1/3-8n = -13

2. A number f multiplied by -12.3 is -73.8.
My answer: -12.3f = -73.8

Write an equation. Then, solve.
3. Fifteen tickets cost $193.75. What is the average cost of each ticket?
My answer: 15x = 193.75 $12.92 per ticket

I have one more question/problem that I don't know how to write an equation for. If you could provide me an explanation for me then that would be much appreciated by me.

Write an equation. Then, solve.
1. A student walks 1/4 mile from her home to the store on her way to a friend's house. If the store is 1/3 of the way to her friend's house, how far is her friend's house from her home?

#1. n/3 - 8 = -13

#2. ok
#3. ok

1/4 = x/3
x = 3/4

Thank you so much Steve ! Very much appreciated for you sparing your time to check my work. I understand now.

Nobody loves you


Sure, I'll check your answers and provide explanations if they are incorrect.

1. Eight less than 1/3 a number n is -13.
Your answer: 1/3-8n = -13

To write this sentence as an equation, you need to remember that "Eight less than a number" means subtracting 8 from the number. So the equation should be:
1/3n - 8 = -13

2. A number f multiplied by -12.3 is -73.8.
Your answer: -12.3f = -73.8

Your answer is correct for this question. Good job!

Now, let's move on to the third question:

3. Fifteen tickets cost $193.75. What is the average cost of each ticket?
Your answer: 15x = 193.75 $12.92 per ticket

To find the average cost per ticket, you need to divide the total cost by the number of tickets. So the equation should be:
193.75/15 = x
After evaluating this equation, you will find that x = $12.92. So the average cost of each ticket is $12.92.

Now, let's move to the additional question you mentioned:

1. A student walks 1/4 mile from her home to the store on her way to a friend's house. If the store is 1/3 of the way to her friend's house, how far is her friend's house from her home?

To write an equation for this question, let's use a variable to represent the total distance from her home to her friend's house. Let's say the total distance is d.

According to the question, the student walks 1/4 of the way to the store, which means the distance from her home to the store is (1/4)d. Additionally, the store is 1/3 of the way to her friend's house, which means the distance from the store to her friend's house is (1/3)d.

To find the total distance from her home to her friend's house, we need to add up the distances:
(1/4)d + (1/3)d = d

Now, to solve the equation, we can multiply through by 12 to eliminate the fractions:
3d + 4d = 12d
7d = 12d
Subtracting 7d from both sides:
5d = 0
Dividing both sides by 5:
d = 0

So, according to the calculations, her friend's house is 0 miles away from her home.

don't care