Explain how u can write 35% as a sum of 2 benchmarks percents or as multiple of a percent? PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

20% + 15% = 35%

5 * 7% = 35%

It says explain.

To express 35% as a sum of two benchmark percents or as a multiple of a percent, you'll need to break it down into smaller, known percentages. Here are two approaches to achieve this:

1. Benchmark Approach:
Find benchmark percentages (common percentages that are easy to work with) whose sum is equal to or close to 35%. For example, you can use 25% and 10%, as they add up to 35%. So, 35% can be expressed as the sum of 25% and 10%.

2. Multiplicative Approach:
You can also express 35% as a multiple of a percent. Here's how:
- 35% can be written as 35/100 or 0.35 as a decimal.
- To express it as a multiple of a percent, you can multiply it by any whole number. For example, multiplying 0.35 by 2 gives you 0.70, which is 70%. So, 35% can be expressed as 70% (2 times 35%).
- Similarly, you can multiply 0.35 by other whole numbers to get different multiples of 35%.

It's important to note that there might be multiple ways to express a given percentage as a sum of benchmarks or as a multiple of a percent. The choice of benchmarks or the multiples you use depends on the context and the specific requirements of the problem you are working on.