What is the meaning of indigenous?

a. completely unlike your surroundings
b. taking on the cultural traits of a larger group
c. originating in and naturally living, growing, or occurring in a region or country***
d. blending of the cultural traits of a larger group


The correct answer is c. originating in and naturally living, growing, or occurring in a region or country.

To arrive at this answer, you can break down the word and analyze its components. "Indigenous" comes from the Latin word "indigena," which means "native" or "born in." To understand its exact meaning, we can examine the options provided:

a. Completely unlike your surroundings: This option implies a lack of similarity with the environment, which is not the best description of indigenous.

b. Taking on the cultural traits of a larger group: This option describes the process of adopting the cultural traits of a bigger group, which is not representative of the concept of indigenous.

c. Originating in and naturally living, growing, or occurring in a region or country: This option accurately captures the meaning of indigenous. It highlights the notion of belonging to a particular region or country from birth and reflects the natural state of living, growing, or occurring in that place.

d. Blending of the cultural traits of a larger group: This option refers to the merging or blending of cultural traits from a larger group, which is not synonymous with being indigenous.

By comparing the definitions or implications of each option, you can determine that the correct answer is c. originating in and naturally living, growing, or occurring in a region or country.