Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. My students used to watch TV programs and then do a take off. For example, Concentratiion was one.

THANKS SO MUCH. Umm, by any chance do u have any more ideas?

Can some think of an activity that relates to french? For example, the buzz game.

You could have students make bingo cards with vocabulary words in English. Each column could be a different part of speech. The announcer would then read the words in French.

Sure, here's another idea that relates to French language learning:

Activity: French Movie Night

1. Choose a French film that is suitable for your students' level and age group. You can select a popular French movie or an educational film with subtitles.

2. Provide each student with a movie worksheet that includes questions or prompts related to the film. For example, you can include questions about the plot, characters, cultural aspects, or language use. The worksheet can be in both English and French, depending on the proficiency level of your students.

3. Before watching the movie, give a brief introduction about the film, its setting, and any relevant cultural context. You can also provide a list of vocabulary words or phrases that might be helpful for understanding the movie.

4. During the movie, have a pause midway through to discuss any key scenes, cultural aspects, or language expressions. Encourage students to share their observations or opinions about different aspects of the film.

5. After the movie, allocate time for a class discussion or a group activity based on the movie. You can ask students to summarize the plot, talk about their favorite characters or scenes, or engage in a debate about the themes depicted in the film.

By watching a French movie, students can immerse themselves in the language, practice their listening skills, and gain exposure to the culture. The movie worksheet and post-viewing activities help reinforce their comprehension and provide opportunities for discussion and reflection.

Remember, you can customize this activity based on the proficiency and interests of your students. Enjoy your French movie night!