There are 3.33 litres of part A and 6.67 litres of part B. When they are completely mixed together, they make 10 litres of paint.

How much of part B would you need if you are only using one litre of part A

A/B = 3.33/6.67

1/B = 3.33/6.67

B = 6.67/3.33 = 2

To find out how much of part B you would need if you are only using one litre of part A, we need to determine the ratio of part A to part B in the mixture.

We can do this by dividing the amount of part A by the total amount of paint in the mixture. In this case, we have 3.33 litres of part A and 10 litres of paint, so the ratio of part A to the total paint is 3.33/10.

Next, we can use this ratio to calculate the amount of part B needed when using one litre of part A. Since the ratio is constant, we can set up a proportion:

(part A used) / (total paint used) = (part A ratio) / (total paint ratio)

Plugging in the values we know, we get:

1 / (total paint used) = 3.33 / 10

To solve for the total paint used, we can multiply both sides of the equation by (total paint used):

1 = (3.33 / 10) * (total paint used)

Now we can solve for the total paint used by dividing both sides by (3.33 / 10):

(total paint used) = 1 / (3.33 / 10)

Simplifying this expression, we get:

(total paint used) = 10 / 3.33

Therefore, if you are using one litre of part A, you would need (10 / 3.33) litres of part B.