Thank you very much for your help....

1. Why don't we go to the movies this evening?
2. Why don't we go to see a movie this evening?
3. Why don't we go to a movie this evening?
4. Why don't we go to see the movie this evening?
5. Why don't we go to the movie this evening?
6. Why don't we go see a movie this evening?
There seem to be many ways to express going to the movies. Are the expressions above all acceptable? Which sentences are commonly used in everyday life? Thank you.

All are used at times, but #3 and #6 are probably the ones most often used.

Yes ... lots of variety!

Yes, all of the expressions you've provided are acceptable and commonly used to express the idea of going to the movies. The slight variations in wording do not significantly change the meaning of the sentences.

In terms of common usage, it can vary depending on personal preference and regional variations. However, here is a general breakdown of the sentences and their likelihood of being used in everyday life:

1. "Why don't we go to the movies this evening?" - This is a common and straightforward way to suggest going to the movies. It is a widely used expression.

2. "Why don't we go to see a movie this evening?" - This sentence is also commonly used, but it may sound slightly more formal or polite than the previous one. It emphasizes the act of "seeing" a movie.

3. "Why don't we go to a movie this evening?" - This sentence is less commonly used compared to the others, but it is still understandable and acceptable. It simply omits the word "see," but the meaning remains the same.

4. "Why don't we go to see the movie this evening?" - This sentence implies that there is a specific movie in mind, and it suggests going to watch that particular movie. It is commonly used in situations where there is a specific movie of interest.

5. "Why don't we go to the movie this evening?" - This sentence is less commonly used in everyday conversation. It suggests going to a specific movie, as opposed to the movies in general.

6. "Why don't we go see a movie this evening?" - This sentence is commonly used and similar to sentence 2. It is a slightly more casual and informal way to express the idea of going to see a movie.

Overall, sentences 1, 2, and 6 are the most commonly used expressions in everyday life, but all of the sentences are acceptable and convey the same basic idea.