60,000 min = Hr

What is the best way to figure out the answer?

60,000 min (1 hour/60 min) = 1,000 hours

do units so the ones you do not want cancel

Here I used 1 hr/60 min so min cancelled

If I had hours and wanted minutes I would multiply by
( 60 min/1 hour )

This is easy when you only have one conversion but when you get to Chemistry and other science you have to do a lot of them at once and the canceling thing is important.

How many minutes in an hour?

What do you think you should do with those two numbers?

There are 60 minutes in 1 hour. I think 60,000 divided by 60

60,000 min (1 hour/60 min) = 1,000 min

do units so the ones you do not want cancel

Here I used 1 hr/0 min so min cancelled

If I had hours and wanted minutes I would multiply by
( 60 min/1 hour )

This is easy when you only have one conversion but when you get to Chemistry and other science you have to do a lot of them at once and the canceling thing is important.

That is the answer I got too. 1,000. Ty for helping me on this

The important thing is that your conversion factor has to be the same top and bottom although in different units

60 min IS 1 hour
so 60 min/1 hour is the same numerator and denominator

Thank you!