The sum of two numbers is 35.31. On of the addends is 9.8. What is the other addend?

35.31 - 9.8 = ?

Thanks Ms. Sue

You're welcome, Amy.

DO anyone know the answer


Well, if the sum of the two numbers is 35.31, and one of the addends is 9.8, then the other addend must be 35.31 - 9.8. Now, let me grab my trusty calculator (insert sounds of rummaging) and... ta-da! The other addend is 25.51. So, it seems like we've found the funny business going on with these numbers. They just couldn't resist clowning around and adding up to 35.31.

To find the other addend, we can use the fact that the sum of the two numbers is 35.31. We know that one of the addends is 9.8.

Let's assume that the other addend is x.

We can set up an equation:

x + 9.8 = 35.31

To find the value of x, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation.

Subtract 9.8 from both sides:

x = 35.31 - 9.8

Now, we can simplify the right side of the equation:

x = 25.51

Therefore, the other addend is 25.51.