1. Which of these sources of energy is NOT renewable?

a.) wind
b.) solar power
c.) hydroelectric power
d.) natural gas

2. Air can be polluted by _____.
a.) tiny particles of soot
b.) carbon monoxide
c.) sulfuric acid
d.) all of the above

3. Which of the following can cause acid precipitation?
a.) the use of solar panels
b.) the use of hydroelectricity
c.) the use of coal
d.) all of the above

4. All of the following are fossil fuels EXCEPT.
a.) natural gas
b.) coal
c.) oil
d.) wood

CONFIRMED answers:

1. d.) natural gas
2. d.) all of the above
3. c.) the use of coal
4. d.) wood

I am 100% sure of these answers. ;)


Thanks, you saved my grade...um...the Answerer.

P.S.: Are you a wiz kid?

1. In order to identify which source of energy is NOT renewable, we need to understand what renewable energy means. Renewable energy refers to energy sources that can be naturally replenished or regenerated, making them sustainable in the long term.

a.) Wind energy is renewable because it is generated by the natural movement of air, which is a never-ending resource.

b.) Solar power is also renewable as it is generated from the sun's energy, which is constantly available.

c.) Hydroelectric power is generated by the movement of water, which is also continuously replenished through the water cycle, making it a renewable source.

Based on this information, we can conclude that d.) natural gas is NOT a renewable source of energy. Natural gas is a fossil fuel formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals, and it takes millions of years to be produced. Once consumed, natural gas is depleted and cannot be easily replenished in a short period.

2. To determine what can pollute the air, we need to consider various pollutants that can impact air quality.

a.) Tiny particles of soot, also known as particulate matter, are emitted from sources such as vehicle exhaust, industrial processes, and the burning of fossil fuels, including coal and wood.

b.) Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas produced when fuels are burned incompletely. Common sources of CO include vehicle emissions, tobacco smoke, and the combustion of fossil fuels.

c.) Sulfuric acid is a harmful compound formed when sulfur dioxide (SO2) reacts with atmospheric moisture. SO2 is primarily released from the burning of fossil fuels, especially coal and oil.

Considering the descriptions of the options, we can conclude that d.) all of the above - tiny particles of soot, carbon monoxide, and sulfuric acid - can pollute the air.

3. Acid precipitation occurs when there is an imbalance of acids in the atmosphere and they combine with precipitation (such as rain, snow, or sleet). To identify what can cause acid precipitation, we need to consider the sources of these acidic compounds.

a.) Solar panels do not emit any substances into the atmosphere that could cause acid precipitation, so they do not contribute to this issue.

b.) The use of hydroelectricity also does not contribute to acid precipitation. Hydroelectric power is generated by harnessing the energy of moving water, and it does not release significant amounts of acidic compounds into the atmosphere.

c.) The burning of coal does release sulfur dioxide (SO2) and other pollutants that can contribute to acid precipitation. Coal combustion in power plants, industrial processes, and residential heating are some of the main sources of sulfur dioxide emissions.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that only c.) the use of coal can cause acid precipitation.

4. Fossil fuels are formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals, and they are considered non-renewable resources. To identify which option is NOT a fossil fuel, we need to understand what different types of fossil fuels are.

a.) Natural gas is a fossil fuel that mainly consists of methane. It is often extracted alongside oil and coal deposits.

b.) Coal is a fossil fuel that is formed from the remains of plants that lived millions of years ago and underwent a slow process of decay and compression.

c.) Oil, also known as petroleum, is a fossil fuel formed from the decayed remains of marine plants and animals.

d.) Wood is not typically considered a fossil fuel. It comes from trees and plants, which are living organisms, and is technically classified as a biofuel or biomass fuel rather than a fossil fuel.

Based on this information, we can conclude that d.) wood is NOT a fossil fuel.