A rental car company charges $150.00 for a weekly rental and an additional $0.20 for each mile driven. The function rule C=0.20m+150.00 describes the relationship between the number of miles driven m and the total cost C. If the rental car can only be driven a maximum of 200 miles, what is a reasonable graph of the function rule?

I just want to know what is the function rule. No graphs needed.

Ummm. how about


as they said.

The function rule in this case is given as:

C = 0.20m + 150.00

In this rule, C represents the total cost of the rental car and m represents the number of miles driven. The rule states that to calculate the total cost, you multiply the number of miles driven by 0.20 (the cost per mile) and add the base charge of $150.00.

For example, if you drive 100 miles, you would multiply 100 by 0.20 and add $150.00 to find the total cost: C = (0.20 * 100) + 150.00 = $20.00 + $150.00 = $170.00.

Similarly, if you drive 200 miles, you would multiply 200 by 0.20 and add $150.00: C = (0.20 * 200) + 150.00 = $40.00 + $150.00 = $190.00.

Therefore, the function rule C = 0.20m + 150.00 allows you to calculate the total cost based on the number of miles driven in the given rental car scenario.

The function rule C=0.20m+150.00 represents the relationship between the number of miles driven (m) and the total cost (C) for renting a car from this company. It states that the total cost is equal to $0.20 multiplied by the number of miles driven, plus the base cost of $150.00.