12.)Why was it important for states like New Jersey to have a system that allowed for each state to have equal representation in the national government?

A.)Because New Jersey did not want to compromise with slave states

B.)Because New Jersey favored the federal government over the states

C.)Because New Jersey had fewer delegates at the Constitutional Convention

D.)Because New Jersey did not have a large population


It's C.

I think it is B. because new jersey favored the federal government over the states

Can someone leave a like on the right one pls. ty

idk if its C or D

Its B, got it right on my test :))))

The correct answer is C.) Because New Jersey had fewer delegates at the Constitutional Convention.

To understand why it was important for states like New Jersey to have a system that allowed for each state to have equal representation in the national government, let's look at the context of the Constitutional Convention. The Constitutional Convention was held in 1787 with the primary goal of creating a new constitution that would establish a stronger national government.

During the convention, the representation issue emerged as a major point of contention. Larger states argued for a system based on proportional representation, where each state would have a number of representatives in the national government based on their population size. Smaller states, like New Jersey, were concerned that such a system would give disproportionate power to the larger states and leave them at a significant disadvantage.

To address these concerns, New Jersey proposed a plan called the New Jersey Plan. This plan called for equal representation for each state in the national government, regardless of their population size. This system would give each state an equal voice and ensure that smaller states would not be overlooked or overridden by larger states.

Ultimately, the New Jersey Plan did not become the basis for the new constitution. However, the compromise that emerged, known as the Connecticut Compromise or the Great Compromise, incorporated elements of both the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan, which favored proportional representation. The compromise created a bicameral legislature, with the Senate granting equal representation to each state (two senators per state) and the House of Representatives allocated based on population size.

Therefore, the correct answer is C.) Because New Jersey had fewer delegates at the Constitutional Convention. The issue of equal representation was crucial for smaller states like New Jersey to ensure that their interests and concerns would be adequately represented in the national government.

D yes