The assignment is to write opinionated questions that are arguable for a class discussion.

One subject is the prisoners treatment during war time - can you give me an example of a possible question?

How does torturing prisoners make America safer?

Another (along the same line) could be this: Is reliable information gained from torturing prisoners?

Sure! Here's an example of an opinionated and arguable question related to the treatment of prisoners during war time:

"Do you believe that providing humane treatment to prisoners of war is a moral obligation, even in the face of ongoing conflicts, or should their treatment be determined solely by the strategic interests of the warring nations?"

To write an opinionated and arguable question, follow these steps:

1. Identify the broad topic or concept you want to address. In this case, it is the treatment of prisoners during war time.

2. Determine the key issues or opposing viewpoints within the topic. In this example, the key issues are the moral obligation to provide humane treatment and the strategic interests of warring nations.

3. Choose a stance or perspective on the topic. Here, the question assumes a stance that believes in the moral obligation to provide humane treatment to prisoners.

4. Frame the question in a way that prompts discussion and invites different opinions. The question should not have a straightforward answer and should allow for debate and the presentation of various viewpoints.

Remember, the purpose of an opinionated and arguable question is to encourage class discussion, so make sure your question is thought-provoking and encourages students to critically analyze the topic at hand.