Grandma needs 13/4 cups of sugar to make a dozen cookies. How much sugar does she need to make 3 dozen cookies?

3 (13/4) = ?

Am sorry Ms. Sue that number is not 13 it is 1 1/3 cups


3 * (4/3) = ?

3x1=3+1=4 cups

Is that correct

That's correct.

She needs 4 cups of sugar for 3 dozen cookies

To find out how much sugar Grandma needs to make 3 dozen cookies, we first need to calculate how much sugar she needs for one dozen cookies.

Given that Grandma needs 13/4 (or 3 1/4) cups of sugar for one dozen cookies, we can multiply this amount by 3 to find out how much she needs for 3 dozen cookies.

So, to calculate it, we multiply:

(13/4 cups) * 3 dozen

First, let's convert the mixed fraction (3 1/4) into an improper fraction:

3 1/4 = (4 * 3 + 1) / 4 = 13/4

Now, we can multiply 13/4 by 3:

(13/4 cups) * 3 dozen = 13/4 * 3 = (13 * 3) / (4 * 1) = 39/4

Once we have the result (39/4), we can convert it back to a mixed fraction:

39/4 = 9 3/4

Therefore, Grandma needs 9 3/4 cups of sugar to make 3 dozen cookies.