Change in social structure during the industrial revolution.

During the Industrial Revolution, there were significant changes in social structure that resulted from the technological advancements and economic transformations that occurred during this time period. These changes can be broadly categorized into three main areas:

1. Emergence of the Middle Class: Prior to the Industrial Revolution, society was mainly divided into two classes - the aristocracy (land-owning elites) and the working class (laborers and peasants). However, with the expansion of industries and urbanization, a new class emerged known as the middle class, also referred to as the bourgeoisie. This class comprised of individuals who owned or managed businesses, factories, and industries. They accumulated wealth through trade and entrepreneurship, and their social status rose significantly.

2. Urbanization and the Growth of Cities: The Industrial Revolution led to massive urbanization as people migrated from rural areas to cities in search of employment opportunities in the emerging industries. This massive influx of people into cities resulted in the growth of towns into large urban centers. Cities became crowded, and slums emerged as the living conditions worsened for many working-class individuals. This rapid urbanization also led to the development of new social challenges, including sanitation problems, increased crime rates, and social inequality.

3. Exploitation of the Working Class: The Industrial Revolution brought numerous advancements in technology and machinery, resulting in the mechanization and standardization of production processes. This led to the rise of factories, where large numbers of workers were employed in harsh conditions for long hours with low wages. Workers, including men, women, and children, faced exploitation, poor working conditions, and little to no workers' rights or protection. This exploitation and inequality eventually gave rise to labor movements and trade unions as workers sought to improve their living and working conditions.

To explore and understand the changes in social structure during the Industrial Revolution more comprehensively, you can refer to historical records, academic books, articles, and archives that focus on this specific time period. Additionally, studying primary sources such as diaries, letters, and newspapers from the time can provide valuable insights into the firsthand accounts of individuals who lived during this era.