what is my number?

Clue 1 My number is a perfect number.
Clue 2 The only prime number in its prime factorization is 2.
Clue 3 My number is a factor of 32.
Clue 4 The sum of its digits is odd.

Your number is 32.

32 = 1*32.
32 = 2*2*2*2*2.
Sum of its' digits = 3+2 = 5.


To find your number, let's analyze the clues one by one:

Clue 1: A perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors (excluding itself). You didn't provide any additional information about your number being a perfect number, so we can't deduce it from this clue alone.

Clue 2: A prime factorization is the process of expressing a number as a product of prime numbers. The fact that the only prime number in your number's prime factorization is 2 means that your number is a power of 2. The possible options are 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32.

Clue 3: Your number is a factor of 32. This means that your number can be divided into 32 evenly. We can check each of the possible options from clue 2 to see if they are factors of 32.

- 2 is a factor of 32 (32/2 = 16)
- 4 is a factor of 32 (32/4 = 8)
- 8 is a factor of 32 (32/8 = 4)
- 16 is a factor of 32 (32/16 = 2)
- 32 is a factor of 32 (32/32 = 1)

Since all of the options are factors of 32, we need more information to determine the correct answer.

Clue 4: The sum of your number's digits is odd. To determine if this property applies to each potential option, we need to examine the sum of their digits.

- The sum of the digits of 2 is 2 (even).
- The sum of the digits of 4 is 4 (even).
- The sum of the digits of 8 is 8 (even).
- The sum of the digits of 16 is 7 (odd).
- The sum of the digits of 32 is 5 (odd).

Based on clue 4, we can deduce that your number is 16.

Therefore, your number is 16.