When CH3OH at its normal boiling point, does its entropy increase or decrease? Explain.

- My opinion
The entropy decreases because there is less order due to the less randomness of gas particles favoured when such an element is boiled not at normal boiling point?

To determine whether the entropy of CH3OH (methanol) increases or decreases at its normal boiling point, we need to understand the relationship between entropy and phase changes. Entropy is a measure of the randomness or disorder in a system.

When a substance undergoes a phase change, such as boiling, the arrangement and motion of particles change. In the case of methanol, at its normal boiling point, it transitions from a liquid to a gas phase.

During the liquid-to-gas phase transition, the entropy generally increases. This is because the gas phase has more disorder or randomness compared to the liquid phase. In the liquid phase, the methanol molecules are more tightly packed and have more ordered arrangements, while in the gas phase, the molecules are more spread out and have a higher degree of freedom in their motion.

So, contrary to your opinion, the entropy of CH3OH increases at its normal boiling point because of the higher disorder or randomness of the gas phase compared to the liquid phase.