Literature supports the building of a readers’s imagination because:

A. readers are placing themselves into a story.

B. readers relate only to what they know.

C. readers are presented with an unstructured picture of life.

D. readers are seeing worlds they already know.

Mr. Simon read The Village of Round and Square Houses to his students. Then, he had the children discuss and construct stable foundations for round and square houses out of sticks. This is an example of integrating literature into which content area?

A. Math

B. Science

C. Language arts

D. Social studies

A? or D?

Both answers are A.

Ms.Sue you are the best, thank you a lot!

You are very welcome, bev.

For the question about how literature supports the building of a reader's imagination, the correct answer is A. readers are placing themselves into a story. Literature often provides vivid descriptions and engaging narratives that allow readers to mentally visualize and become immersed in the story's world. This process of visualization and imagination-building is a key aspect of connecting the reader to the story and expanding their understanding of different perspectives and experiences.

To answer the second question about integrating literature into a content area, the correct answer is C. Language arts. Integrating literature into language arts involves using literature as a tool to foster reading comprehension, language development, and critical thinking skills. In the given example, Mr. Simon used the book The Village of Round and Square Houses to spark a discussion and hands-on activity related to the story's content. This activity helps students analyze and understand the information presented in the literary text while also enhancing language skills and creativity.