What price should asha mark on a pair of shoes which cost him 1200 so as to gain 12%after allowing a discount of 16%

If the markup is x%, then

(1+x/100)*.84 = 1.12
x = 33.33% = 1/3

1200 * 4/3 = 1600


1600*.84 = 1344 = 1200*1.12

ye answer jo apne diya hai usame ek confusean hai (1+x/100)*84=1.12 ye kaise aaya hai?

samajh nhi aa rha hai please help me

To determine the price that Asha should mark on the shoes, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the price after the discount.
Since Asha wants to allow a discount of 16%, he will sell the shoes at 100% - 16% = 84% of the original price.

Discounted price = Original price × (1 - Discount percentage)
Discounted price = 1200 × (1 - 0.16)
Discounted price = 1200 × 0.84
Discounted price = 1008

Step 2: Calculate the selling price to gain a 12% profit.
To gain a 12% profit, Asha needs to sell the shoes for 100% + 12% = 112% of the cost price.

Selling price = Original cost price × (1 + Profit percentage)
Selling price = 1200 × (1 + 0.12)
Selling price = 1200 × 1.12
Selling price = 1344

Step 3: Determine the marked price.
The marked price should be set to the selling price after the discount.

Marked price = Selling price / (1 - Discount percentage)
Marked price = 1344 / (1 - 0.16)
Marked price = 1344 / 0.84
Marked price ≈ 1600

Therefore, Asha should mark the pair of shoes at approximately 1600 to gain a 12% profit after allowing a 16% discount.