Write a program to read from a file called "input.txt" information about 5 workers. Each line would contain two values respectively, an employee ID and the employee's monthly salary.

Assume that the data from the input file is stored in a format as shows in this example. Note: for testing purposes the following data may not necessarily be used. It is just to give you an idea of the format of the data.

Sample contents of input.txt:
10 2000
20 6800
30 9700
40 1500
50 8000

Store the employee information into a 2d array.Assume that the data types are as follows: id(Integer data type) and income (integer data type)

read the info and store the 5 employee records into 2d array

create another function that prints the number of workers who has income of greater than 5000 and the id and income of each worker who has income greater than 5000.

sample output printed to the screen:
sum of incomes:$24500
3 workers have an income greater than $500:
20 $6800;30$9700;50$8000

what is the difficulty?

Do you have trouble with I/O? Don't understand arrays? Don't understand functions?

Have you worked out pseudo-code that takes the necessary steps?

To solve this problem, you can use the following steps:

1. Open the "input.txt" file for reading.
2. Initialize a 2D array to store the employee records.
3. Read each line from the file and split it into two values: employee ID and monthly salary.
4. Store the employee ID and monthly salary in the 2D array.
5. Close the file.
6. Create a function to calculate the sum of incomes and count the number of workers with income greater than 5000.
7. Iterate over the 2D array and check if the monthly salary is greater than 5000. If it is, print the employee ID and income.
8. Finally, print the sum of all incomes and the count of workers with income greater than 5000.

Below is an example implementation in Python:

def read_employee_info(filename):
employee_records = []
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
employee_id, income = map(int, line.split())
employee_records.append([employee_id, income])
return employee_records

def print_high_income_workers(employee_records):
sum_of_incomes = 0
count = 0
print("Workers with income greater than $5000:")
for employee in employee_records:
employee_id, income = employee
sum_of_incomes += income
if income > 5000:
print(f"{employee_id} ${income}")
count += 1
print(f"Sum of incomes: ${sum_of_incomes}")
print(f"{count} workers have an income greater than $5000")

# Main program
employee_info = read_employee_info("input.txt")

This program reads the data from the "input.txt" file and stores it in a 2D array. It then prints the number of workers with an income greater than $5000, along with their employee ID and income. Finally, it prints the sum of all incomes.