On slaves in Rome and China (753 B.C.E.-600 C.E.):

What are some of the passive-resistance tactics that slaves resorted to, and what did they achieve by these actions?

they would pretend to be sick or ill, then they would get out of work for one to three days.

Slaves everywhere showed passive resistance by saying yes to the master, and then doing as little work as they can.

they would not do anything that was not specified in their slave contract


"Hey man you ok?"

"Yea. harambe was only 17 wh..."

yes they did, and they enjoyed it also

To understand the passive-resistance tactics employed by slaves in Rome and China between 753 B.C.E. and 600 C.E., let's break down the historical context and possible approaches taken by the enslaved populations in these empires.

In Rome, during this period, slavery was a fundamental part of the empire's economy. Slaves were involved in various roles, including agricultural labor, urban servitude, and even as personal servants. It is important to note that the Roman Empire was diverse, both culturally and geographically, so the experiences of slaves varied significantly. While the Roman legal system did not protect the rights of slaves, there were instances of passive resistance:

1. Work Slowdowns: Slaves would minimize their productivity by working at a slower pace or intentionally making mistakes. This tactic aimed to disrupt the economic productivity of their owners or highlight the importance of their labor.

2. Sabotage: Some slaves would subtly sabotage tools or equipment, affecting the efficiency of the work environment. By doing so, they could disrupt the daily operations and potentially reduce the profitability of their masters.

3. Refusal to Cooperate: Slaves might engage in collective actions by refusing to collaborate or coordinate their efforts. They could withhold critical information or simply refuse to take part in tasks that required their participation. These actions aimed to demonstrate the collective power of enslaved individuals.

4. Feigned Ignorance: Slaves sometimes acted as if they did not understand instructions or feigned ignorance about their abilities. By doing so, they could avoid tasks they found particularly burdensome or exploit the situation to their advantage.

5. Cultural and Spiritual Resistance: Slaves often maintained their cultural traditions and spiritual beliefs, both openly or in secret. These practices allowed them to preserve their sense of identity, autonomy, and resist the dehumanizing aspects of slavery.

It is crucial to note that the achievements of these passive-resistance tactics were limited as they rarely led to systemic change or the abolition of slavery. Instead, they generally aimed to alleviate some of the immediate burdens of enslaved life, assert control over their own bodies and labor, or seek small victories in their daily lives.

For China during this period, the nature and extent of resistance by slaves are less documented compared to Rome. However, the following passive-resistance tactics may have been employed:

1. Work Slowing: Similar to Rome, slaves in China might have intentionally slowed down their work to express discontent or affect productivity.

2. Feigned Illness: Slaves may have feigned illness to avoid arduous labor or express their dissatisfaction in a non-confrontational manner.

3. Strategic Errors: Similar to Rome, slaves might have purposefully made mistakes in their tasks to disrupt their owners' operations or undermine their authority.

4. Social Subversion: Slaves may have engaged in social subversion by spreading rumors, gossip, or other forms of information exchange to disturb the harmony of their owners' households or gain support from fellow slaves.

5. Runaways: While escaping slavery was not an uncommon tactic across different societies and time periods, it is challenging to determine the actual scope of runaway slaves in ancient China.

Given the scarcity of sources pertaining to passive resistance in ancient China, it is difficult to assess the achievements of these tactics. However, it is likely that such actions helped to create small moments of resistance, maintain dignity, and exert some control over their lives within the oppressive system.