We are reading the short story Superstitions out of the book "GreatBooks Roundtable". I am being test on a few questions and need some help!

After her conversation with her mother, Frances most likely feels what?
a) informed
b) frightened
c) comforted
d) frustrated

Help, thanks! :)

wats the anser

She most probably feels frustrated...

To answer this question, we need to refer to the information provided in the short story "Superstitions." Since the story is from the book "GreatBooks Roundtable," it means we have access to the text. To find out how Frances most likely feels after her conversation with her mother, we can look for clues in the story.

Step 1: Locate the section of the story where Frances has a conversation with her mother.
Step 2: Read the dialogue and any accompanying descriptions to understand the emotions of the characters involved.
Step 3: Analyze the dialogue and descriptions to determine Frances's likely emotional state.

Without the actual text of the story, it is challenging to provide a definitive answer. However, based on general knowledge of storytelling and character development, we can draw some reasonable inferences.

If Frances's conversation with her mother provides her with knowledge or information that eases her concerns or fears, she would likely feel comforted (option c). On the other hand, if the conversation introduces or reinforces her fears or threatens her sense of safety, she might feel frightened (option b). It is less likely for her to feel informed (option a) or frustrated (option d) unless the conversation specifically relates to those emotions.

Therefore, to accurately determine how Frances most likely feels after her conversation with her mother, it is crucial to refer to the specific content of the story.