I am the product of 135 and decreased by 500. who am I?

I am the product of 135 and ???? decreased by 500. who am I?

you need 2 multipliers to have a "product"

To find out who you are, you need to calculate the product of 135 and then subtract 500 from it.

Step 1: Calculate the product of 135:
Product = 135

Step 2: Subtract 500 from the product:
Product - 500 = 135 - 500 = -365

Therefore, you are the result of 135 decreased by 500, which is -365.

To find the answer to this question, start by calculating 135 decreased by 500.

First, subtract 500 from 135:

135 - 500 = -365

So, the product of 135 and decreased by 500 is -365.

Therefore, "I" in this case refers to the number -365.