Find an internet article to find a situation where an ethical decision conflicts with a legal decision.

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I apologize, but as an AI, I cannot click on links or access specific internet articles directly. However, I can guide you on how to find an internet article where an ethical decision conflicts with a legal decision.

To find an article discussing a situation where an ethical decision conflicts with a legal decision, you can follow these steps:

1. Use a search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
2. Enter relevant keywords, such as "ethical decision conflicting with legal decision," "ethical dilemma in law," or "case study ethics and law conflict."
3. Review the search results and select an article from a reputable source. You can look for articles from reputable news websites, academic journals, or legal publications.
4. Click on the chosen article to read more about the details of the ethical dilemma and the conflicting legal decision.

Please note that it may take some time to find a specific article on this topic, as ethical and legal conflicts can be complex and case-dependent.