Six years ago, Jim was four times as old as Fe. In four years, he would be twice as old as Fe. How old are they now?

J - 6 = 4(F-6) = 4F -24

Therefore J = 4F - 18

J + 4 = 2F

Substitute 4F-18 for J in the third equation and solve for F. Insert that value into the second equation to solve for J. Check by putting both values into the third equation.

To solve this problem, let's assume Jim's current age is represented by J, and Fe's current age is represented by F.

According to the given information, six years ago, Jim was four times as old as Fe. This can be written as:

J - 6 = 4*(F - 6) (Equation 1)

In four years, Jim would be twice as old as Fe. This can be written as:

J + 4 = 2*(F + 4) (Equation 2)

Now, let's solve these equations simultaneously to find the values of J and F, representing Jim and Fe's current ages.

From Equation 1, we can expand and simplify the equation:

J - 6 = 4F - 24
J = 4F - 18 (Equation 3)

Now, substitute Equation 3 into Equation 2:

4F - 18 + 4 = 2(F + 4)
4F - 14 = 2F + 8
4F - 2F = 8 + 14
2F = 22
F = 11

Substitute the value of F back into Equation 3 to find J:

J = 4F - 18
J = 4(11) - 18
J = 44 - 18
J = 26

Therefore, Jim is currently 26 years old, and Fe is currently 11 years old.