Subtract six and one-half minus four and seven-tenths. Justify your steps.

Change to decimals.

6.5 - 4.7 = ?

1 1

2 - +1 -
2 2

To subtract six and one-half minus four and seven-tenths, you need to convert both numbers to a common denominator. In this case, we will use tenths as the common denominator.

Step 1: Convert six and one-half to tenths.
- We know that one whole is equal to ten tenths.
- So, six whole is equal to sixty tenths.
- Adding the one-half to sixty tenths, we get sixty and five tenths.

Step 2: Convert four and seven-tenths to tenths.
- We know that one whole is equal to ten tenths.
- So, four whole is equal to forty tenths.
- Adding the seven-tenths to forty tenths, we get forty-seven tenths.

Now we can subtract the two numbers:
60.5 - 40.7

Step 3: Align the decimal points and subtract.
- Place the decimal point directly under the decimal points in the numbers.
- Subtract the numbers as you would with whole numbers.

- 40.7

Therefore, the answer is 19.8.