Janine has started an exercise program. As part of her exercise program, she will walk along trails. Janine walks at an average speed of 1 mile in 15 minutes.

What is Janine’s average speed in miles per hour? Show or explain how you got your answer.

Janine plans to walk along a trail that is 5.6 miles long.

If Janine walks at her average speed, how much time will it take her to walk the 5.6 miles? Show or explain how you got your answer.

Janine’s goal is to burn 750 calories by walking. A woman of her weight walking at her average speed burns 236 calories in one hour.

How many calories will Janine burn walking the 5.6 miles at her average speed? Show or explain how you got your answer.

How much additional time will Janine have to walk at her average speed to burn a total of 750 calories? Show or explain how you got your answer.

Which of these questions don't you understand?

i don't really understand the first two

1. Let's use a proportion.

1/15 = x/60
Cross multiply and solve for x.

2. Use the mph from the first question and multiply it by 5.6.

Sorry -- 2. divide 5.6 by the mph.

To calculate Janine's average speed in miles per hour, we will convert her average speed from miles per 15 minutes to miles per hour.

Since Janine walks at an average speed of 1 mile in 15 minutes, we need to find out how many miles she walks in one hour. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so we'll divide the number of minutes in an hour (60) by the number of minutes it takes her to walk one mile (15).

60 minutes / 15 minutes = 4

Therefore, Janine walks 4 miles in one hour.

Thus, Janine's average speed is 4 miles per hour.


To calculate how much time it will take Janine to walk 5.6 miles at her average speed, we'll divide the total distance by her average speed.

The distance Janine plans to walk is 5.6 miles.

Janine's average speed is 4 miles per hour.

Using the formula: Time = Distance / Speed

Time = 5.6 miles / 4 miles per hour

Time = 1.4 hours

Since 1 hour is 60 minutes, we'll convert the decimal part (0.4) of the hours into minutes.

0.4 * 60 = 24

Therefore, it will take Janine approximately 1 hour and 24 minutes to walk 5.6 miles at her average speed.


To calculate how many calories Janine will burn walking the 5.6 miles at her average speed, we'll use the given information that she burns 236 calories in one hour of walking at her average speed.

Janine plans to walk 5.6 miles.

An hour of walking at her average speed burns 236 calories.

Using the formula: Calories burned = (Calories burned per hour) * (Time in hours)

Calories burned = 236 calories per hour * 1.4 hours

Calories burned = 330.4 calories

Therefore, Janine will burn approximately 330.4 calories by walking the 5.6 miles at her average speed.


To calculate how much additional time Janine will have to walk at her average speed to burn a total of 750 calories, we need to determine how many additional calories she needs to burn.

Janine's goal is to burn 750 calories.

She will burn 330.4 calories by walking the 5.6 miles at her average speed.

Therefore, she needs to burn an additional 750 - 330.4 = 419.6 calories.

Since the rate at which she burns calories is 236 calories per hour, we can use the formula: Time = Calories / (Calories burned per hour)

Time = 419.6 calories / 236 calories per hour

Time = 1.775 hours

Since 1 hour is 60 minutes, we'll convert the decimal part (0.775) of the hours into minutes.

0.775 * 60 = 46.5

Therefore, Janine will need to walk an additional 1 hour and 46.5 minutes at her average speed to burn a total of 750 calories.