What are the differences between the two accounts of creation? please help, i'm really stuck!

Read Genesis 1 and the first verse or two of Genesis 2. Make a list of what was created in order of creation.

Then read the rest of Genesis 2. Make a list of what was created in order, again.

Now you should be able to draw clear contrasts between them.


1st version = Genesis 1:1 - 2:4a

2nd version = Genesis 2:4b - 24

To understand the differences between the two accounts of creation, you need to refer to the Bible's Book of Genesis. In the book, there are two distinct creation stories, known as the "Priestly" account and the "Yahwist" account. Here's how to examine the differences between them:

1. Identify the authorship: The Priestly account is believed to have been written by priests during the Babylonian exile, around the 6th century BCE. The Yahwist account is attributed to an author known as the Yahwist, who likely wrote it around the 10th century BCE.

2. Observe the order of creation: In the Priestly account (Genesis 1:1-2:3), creation unfolds methodically over six days, with God creating the world and everything in it. It goes through the sequence of creating light, sky, land and seas, vegetation, celestial bodies, sea creatures and birds, land animals, and finally, humankind. In contrast, the Yahwist account (Genesis 2:4-25) focuses on the creation of Adam and Eve, giving a more condensed and anthropocentric narrative.

3. Analyze the portrayal of God: In the Priestly account, God is portrayed as transcendent, distant, and more impersonal, referring to himself as "Elohim." In the Yahwist account, God is portrayed as more personal and immanent, referred to as "Yahweh Elohim" or "the Lord God."

4. Consider the order of human creation: The two accounts differ in the order of human creation. In the Priestly account, both male and female are created together, stating, "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them" (Genesis 1:27). However, in the Yahwist account, Adam is created first, followed by the creation of Eve from Adam's rib.

5. Assess the purpose and emphasis: The Priestly account portrays God as a masterful creator who brings order and structure to the world. It emphasizes the goodness of creation and the divine rest on the seventh day. The Yahwist account focuses more on the relationship between God and humanity, exploring themes like human intimacy, the nature of marriage, and the consequences of disobedience.

By studying these differences, you can gain a deeper understanding of the two accounts of creation and the theological perspectives they convey. Keep in mind that interpretations may vary among religious traditions and scholars; therefore, it's always helpful to consult various sources and commentaries for a comprehensive understanding.