What are waves?

What kind of waves? electonic, magnetic, ocean, radio?

Like, all types of waves...the question isn't really specific.

Well..any type....the question isn't really specific.

Here are several sites that will explain what makes any kind of waves.




Waves are a fundamental concept in physics that describe the way energy or information is transmitted through a medium. A wave can be thought of as an oscillation or disturbance that travels through space or a material medium.

To understand waves, it is helpful to imagine throwing a stone into a calm pond. As the stone enters the water, it creates a disturbance that radiates outward in concentric circles. These circles represent the wavefronts, which move away from the source of disturbance, carrying energy but not displacing the water itself.

Waves can occur in various forms, including mechanical waves like sound waves and water waves, as well as electromagnetic waves like light and radio waves. They can also be categorized as transverse or longitudinal, depending on the direction of the oscillation in relation to the direction of wave propagation.

To fully understand waves and their properties, you may need to study the equations and mathematical descriptions that govern them, such as the wave equation and wave mechanics. Additionally, performing experiments and observations can help deepen your understanding of how waves behave in different scenarios and mediums.