Which of the following sentences contains a verb in subjunctive mood?

If it rains, we can move the party outside
If you were taller, you could try out for the basketball team
Do you believe that the Jacksons are moving to Alaska?
We were going to cook dinner but decided to eat out instead.

Which of the following uses Indicative mood?
I will feel flush after I get my very first paycheck for this job.
I insisted that my brother do the dishes because I set the table.
If I were rich,I would get convertibles for us both.
If I win the lottery I hope that you will help me spend the money.

Which of the following sentences is written in the subjunctive mood?
The teacher grades his students weekly spelling tests.
It was the weekend, so she slept until noon.
If I were on vacation I would wear sandals.
She could not concentrate with the loud car outside her house.

B.)If you were taller, you could try out for the basketball team.


C)If I were on vacation, I would wear sandals

I agree! Good work.

To determine which sentence contains a verb in subjunctive mood, we need to understand what subjunctive mood is. Subjunctive mood is used to express hypothetical or contrary-to-fact situations. It often involves expressing a wish, doubt, possibility, or condition that is unlikely or not true.

Looking at the given sentences:

1. "If it rains, we can move the party outside." - This sentence does not use the subjunctive mood. It expresses a conditional situation in an indicative mood.

2. "If you were taller, you could try out for the basketball team." - This sentence uses the subjunctive mood. It expresses a hypothetical situation of being taller.

3. "Do you believe that the Jacksons are moving to Alaska?" - This sentence does not use the subjunctive mood. It is a simple present tense question in the indicative mood.

4. "We were going to cook dinner but decided to eat out instead." - This sentence does not use the subjunctive mood. It is a past tense statement in the indicative mood.

Now, let's analyze the second set of sentences to identify the indicative mood:

1. "I will feel flush after I get my very first paycheck for this job." - This sentence uses the indicative mood. It expresses a future action that the speaker believes will happen.

2. "I insisted that my brother do the dishes because I set the table." - This sentence uses the subjunctive mood. It expresses a command or request in an unreal or hypothetical situation.

3. "If I were rich, I would get convertibles for us both." - This sentence uses the subjunctive mood. It expresses an unreal or contrary-to-fact condition of being rich.

4. "If I win the lottery, I hope that you will help me spend the money." - This sentence uses the indicative mood. It expresses a real possibility or condition of winning the lottery.

Finally, let's determine which sentence is written in the subjunctive mood from the third set:

1. "The teacher grades his students' weekly spelling tests." - This sentence does not use the subjunctive mood. It is a simple present tense statement in the indicative mood.

2. "It was the weekend, so she slept until noon." - This sentence does not use the subjunctive mood. It describes a past event in the indicative mood.

3. "If I were on vacation, I would wear sandals." - This sentence uses the subjunctive mood. It expresses an unreal or hypothetical situation of being on vacation.

4. "She could not concentrate with the loud car outside her house." - This sentence does not use the subjunctive mood. It is a statement in the indicative mood expressing a fact or condition.

Therefore, the sentence "If I were on vacation, I would wear sandals" is written in the subjunctive mood.