A piece of steel bar 29 7/8inches long was cut from a steel bar of 6 feet. how long was the remaining steel bar?

Convert 6 feet to inches and subtract 29 7/8 from that.

To find the length of the remaining steel bar, you need to subtract the length of the cut piece from the original length of the steel bar.

First, convert 6 feet into inches since the length of the cut piece is given in inches.

1 foot = 12 inches
So, 6 feet = 6 * 12 = 72 inches.

Now, subtract the length of the cut piece (29 7/8 inches) from the original length (72 inches).

72 inches - 29 7/8 inches

To perform this subtraction, you need to convert the mixed fraction 29 7/8 into an improper fraction.

29 7/8 = (29 * 8 + 7) / 8 = 231 / 8

Now, the subtraction becomes:

72 inches - 231/8 inches

To subtract fractions, you need a common denominator. In this case, we can multiply 72 by 8/8 to make the denominator common.

72 inches * 8/8 = 576/8 inches

The subtraction is now:

576/8 inches - 231/8 inches

Subtracting the numerators:

345/8 inches

So, the length of the remaining steel bar is 345/8 inches.