1.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly ?

A.Zeus , the king of the gods , is father of Athena***
B.Zeus the king of the gods , is father of Athena
C.Zeus, the king of the gods is father to Athena
D.Zeus the king of the gods is father , to Athena

2.In "The Sound of Thunder," Eckel's character is most developed by.
C.His actions***
D.Others' dialogue about him

(***)means my answer. please correct me if I'm wrong

1. is right.

2. I don't know; I haven't read this.

If you're referring to Ray Bradbury's story in question 2, you're probably right. He almost never directly describes his characters (therefore, A and B are out). D is a possibility, but is not always used by Bradbury. C is most likely correct.

1. The correct sentence is: A. Zeus, the king of the gods, is father of Athena.

2. The correct answer is C. His actions.

1. The correct sentence is A. "Zeus, the king of the gods, is father of Athena."

To determine the correct punctuation, we need to understand the rules of punctuation for appositives. An appositive is a noun, noun phrase, or noun clause that renames or identifies another noun or pronoun. In this case, "the king of the gods" is an appositive that renames "Zeus."

The correct punctuation for appositives is to set them off with commas. Therefore, the correct sentence is option A, where there are commas placed before and after "the king of the gods."

2. The correct answer is C. "His actions."

To determine how Eckel's character is most developed in the story "The Sound of Thunder," we need to consider the various literary techniques used. Exposition refers to the background information provided about characters, setting, and events. Narration refers to the act of telling the story. Dialogue refers to the conversation between characters.

In this case, Eckel's character is developed through his own actions in the story. The story focuses on his thoughts, decisions, and behaviors, which allows the reader to gain insight into his personality and development. Therefore, his actions contribute the most to his character development.

It is important to note that while the other options might also contribute to character development, the question asks for the most developed aspect, and in this case, it is Eckel's actions.