When someone brings their values and culture and integrate it into the American culture. Does this mean that the values are still American even though they may have come from another country?

When the values and culture are integrated into American culture, then they certainly are American.

yes, but its basis is from another country/culture (in my opinion...)

All Americans came from other countries. Even Native Americans probably came from Asia some 10,000 years ago.

Our American culture is a huge conglomeration of different cultures.

One can, and many have, argued this before: the melting pot vs the "salad bowl" (assimilation vs cultural plurism).


I was bewildered when students argued these points when I was in college many years ago.

oh well that makes sense... somethings are old enough where that have become part of the culture and IS america(melting pot) while others are just there in america and can be 'taken out'(salad bowl)...

When individuals bring their values and culture from another country and integrate them into American culture, it can result in a blending of different values and practices. In such cases, it is a reflection of the multicultural nature of American society. While the specific values may have originated in another country, once they become a part of American culture through integration and acceptance, they can be considered as American values.

Determining what values are considered "American" can be subjective and depend on various factors such as time, geography, and societal norms. American culture has always been influenced by immigrant populations who have brought their traditions, languages, and values throughout history. This continuous exchange and integration of diverse cultures have contributed to shaping the unique fabric of American society.

It is important to note that while values from different cultures may become part of American culture, they can still retain their own distinct identity. Additionally, not all values from different cultures may be adopted or favored in American society, as some may clash with existing norms or face resistance.

To understand whether certain values are considered American, it is helpful to look at how well they are integrated within American society, how widely they are accepted, and whether they align with overarching principles such as freedom, equality, and individual rights that are often associated with American values. Additionally, studying the history, research, and opinions of experts in sociology, cultural studies, and anthropology can provide further insights into this subject.