a bakery sells bagels for $0.85 each an muffins for $1.10 each the bakery hopes to earn $400 each day from these sales. Write an equation that represents the total amount the bakery would like to earn selling bagels and muffins each day. (sorry I have no idea how to do this :(( thank you )

If there are b bagels and m muffins, then just add up the revenue from each:

.85b + 1.10m = 400.00

To write an equation that represents the total amount the bakery would like to earn selling bagels and muffins each day, we need to consider the prices of the bagels and muffins, as well as the quantities sold.

Let's assume the number of bagels sold daily is 'b', and the number of muffins sold daily is 'm'.

The price of a bagel is $0.85, so the total revenue from the sale of bagels can be calculated by multiplying the price per bagel by the number of bagels sold: 0.85 * b.

Similarly, the price of a muffin is $1.10, so the total revenue from the sale of muffins can be calculated by multiplying the price per muffin by the number of muffins sold: 1.10 * m.

The bakery hopes to earn $400 each day from these sales. Therefore, the equation representing the total amount the bakery would like to earn is:

0.85b + 1.10m = 400

In this equation, 0.85b represents the total amount earned from selling bagels, 1.10m represents the total amount earned from selling muffins, and 400 represents the desired daily earnings.