What best describes Emily Dickinson's attitude towards death?

C.accepting <--

With which statement would Emerson most likely agree?

A.Objects of nature die, but civilization lasts forever
B.Society offers the best way to commune with the divine soul <-- b or maybe C
C.A fulfilled person is one who has followed his or her conscience

What does the speaker realize by the end of "Because I Could Not Stop For Death"?

A.Eternity does not exist
B.All of life leads towards death <--
C.Death is always cruel

The Speaker in "I Started Early - Took My Dog" says, "And made as he would eat me up -" For what reason does the speaker use personification to describe the ocean wave?

A.To paint a picture of an aggressive being
B.To make readers sympathetic to the ocean wave
C.To show how friendly the ocean can be
A or C?

Read these if you're not clear on Emily Dickinson's poetry:





I'd say A. I took this same quiz and got the same question. In the question, it says "And made as he would eat me up". Since you narrowed the choices down to A or C, I'll explain that C is incorrect because an friendly being would not seek to eat up another person/thing. Describing a wave and speaking of eating one up would lead one to believe that it is a violent, malevolent wave. One that would gladly crush another.

The speaker in "Because I Could Not Stop For Death" realizes by the end of the poem that all of life leads towards death (B).

In "I Started Early - Took My Dog," the speaker uses personification to describe the ocean wave as an aggressive being (A).

To find the answer to the question "What best describes Emily Dickinson's attitude towards death?", one can analyze Emily Dickinson's poetry. Her poems often explore themes of mortality, dying, and the afterlife. By examining her poems and looking for patterns and recurring themes, one can determine her attitude towards death. For example, Dickinson's poems often portray death as a peaceful and gentle experience, suggesting an accepting attitude towards death. Therefore, the answer is C. accepting.

To determine which statement Emerson would most likely agree with, one can analyze the philosophies and beliefs of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Known for his transcendentalist views, Emerson emphasized the importance of individualism, self-reliance, and the beauty of nature. By reviewing Emerson's works and considering these recurring themes, one can find the statement that aligns most closely with his beliefs. The statement "A fulfilled person is one who has followed his or her conscience" aligns with Emerson's emphasis on individualism and the importance of following one's own path. Therefore, the answer is C.

To understand what the speaker realizes by the end of "Because I Could Not Stop For Death," one can examine the poem's narrative and themes. The poem describes a journey with Death as a companion, representing the passage of life towards death. By analyzing the speaker's thoughts, reflections, and the overall tone of the poem, one can determine the realization made by the end. The speaker's realization is that all of life leads towards death, as evident in the line "Since then – 'tis Centuries – and yet/Feels shorter than the Day." Therefore, the answer is B.

To determine why the speaker in "I Started Early - Took My Dog" uses personification to describe the ocean wave, one can examine the context of the poem and analyze the speaker's intentions or desired effect. By examining the lines preceding and following the mentioned line, one can identify possible reasons for employing personification. In this case, the speaker uses personification to describe the ocean wave as aggressive, which paints a vivid picture of its force and power. Therefore, the answer is A. to paint a picture of an aggressive being.