Fill in the table below regarding populations and samples. The first column represents the question the statistician is trying to answer. Fill in the blank(s) for each row.

1.Is my well water safe?
2.Are as many girls born as boys in the world?
3.Which works better, Advil or Tylenol?
4.Do students who take more math classes in high school get into better colleges?

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To fill in the table regarding populations and samples, we need to determine whether each question refers to a population or a sample.

1. Is my well water safe?
In this case, the statistician is likely referring to a specific well or a specific set of wells. The question is asking about the safety of a particular group of wells. Therefore, the answer is "Sample."

2. Are as many girls born as boys in the world?
This question requires information about the gender ratio of all births in the world. Since the statistician wants to know about births worldwide, the answer is "Population."

3. Which works better, Advil or Tylenol?
The statistician wants to compare the effectiveness of two different medications. To make a conclusion about the general effectiveness, data from a larger group of people who have used both Advil and Tylenol would be needed. Therefore, the answer is "Sample."

4. Do students who take more math classes in high school get into better colleges?
This question involves comparing the number of math classes taken by high school students to their college admissions. The statistician wants to make a general statement about all high school students and their college admissions. Hence, the answer is "Population."